Water is what makes life possible on earth. It is the main component of any living organism. Like in humans, water is very important to animals and is required for their overall health and well-being. Dogs and cats alike need water to live healthy and function properly.
Water helps distribute nutrition and aids in digestion. It also helps flush out toxins the body may have taken in or produced. This is why the type of water we give to our furry companion’s matters and is essential in making them healthier and help them live longer.
There are 3 most common diseases your pet usually gets when not properly taken care of. These diseases, if left untreated, may lead to more serious complications. These diseases are:
1) Ear Dermatitis & Otitis Externa
2) Periodontal Disease: Teeth and Gums
3) Skeletal Disease: Patellar Dislocation
These diseases are caused by toxic oxygen. Major infection, cancers, and diabetes are just a few of the more serious conditions your pets may get if they are not given medical care.
Hydrogen water is a very good source of antioxidants and has been proven to be highly beneficial to both human and animal health. It works like a detoxifying agent that relieves the body of harmful toxins and free radicals which deteriorates the cell’s overall condition. It also acts as anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy.
By making your pets drink hydrogen water regularly, you’re helping them live a healthier life without having to worry about the common diseases that may affect them.
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